Pets are welcome in all Lynwood Village homes
At Lynwood Village, bringing your pet with you to your new home has always been possible for owners of cottages or ground-floor properties. Now, after consultation with our homeowners, we’re pleased to announce that pets are welcome in any Lynwood Village property, so if you want to bring your furry, feathered or even scaly companions with you to share your new life, you can.
Dogs can happily reside on any floor, as can fish, birds, etc. Housecats can also be perfectly happy in any apartment, but their free-roaming, al-fresco brethren would still only be suitable for ground-floor properties, so they can prowl around outside as they should. The only conditions are that your pet will be happy and safe in their new home and that their behaviour doesn’t disrupt anyone’s peace and quiet.
For further information on bringing your pets to Lynwood Village, please call our sales team on 01344 874250.
If you already live at Lynwood Village and would like to introduce a pet to your new home, there are lots of reasons why it’s an excellent idea…

Five reasons to have a pet
- They can improve your fitness: walking the dog is a great way to keep physically active. Just being outside enjoying nature can have a positive effect on your mental wellbeing too. You’d be amazed at the difference it makes when you go for a walk with a dog at your side; complete strangers will stop you for a chat and you soon become part of the dog-owning community (although you may never get to know the owners’ names, you’ll almost certainly know their dogs’!).
- Pets improve your wellbeing: stroking a furry friend, or spending time watching birds or fish, lowers your blood pressure and reduces feelings of stress, releasing feel-good endorphins. Dogs in particular are so good at making humans feel better that they work as therapy animals in schools and hospitals to help support children and patients.
- They are perfect friends: non-judgemental, always there for you, usually very happy to give you a cuddle and great listeners who have the ability to make you feel better, and even smile, after a difficult day – pets are the best type of friends.
- Companionship: pets prevent feelings of loneliness because there’s always someone to talk to, even if they can’t talk back, and caring for them gives you a sense of purpose. Even better, when you’re curled up on the sofa together, they don’t mind what you want to watch on tv.
- Improved immune system: the dirt pets bring into your home actually helps you build up your resistance to colds and other mild illnesses.